
Why Try A Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diest? Video Presentation By Dr. Anthony Lim

We stumbled down the “whole food, plant based” rabbit hole a little over two years ago. Learning how simple dietary interventions can treat and even reverse many chronic degenerative diseases (things like, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes & pre-diabetes, arthritis, etc.), has been very eye-opening and exciting.

More and more physicians are starting to catch on. This is an excellent presentation by Dr. Anthony Lim, a medical doctor who works with Dr. John McDougall at The McDougall Program and with Dr. Ala Goldhammer at TrueNorth Health Center as well as at Kaiser Permanente in Santa Rosa, CA . Yes, he’s a busy guy!

In this informative video Dr. Lim shows what a whole food, plant based diet looks like and how easy it is to start eating. He also explains how he helps patients overcome common diseases by prescribing diet and lifestyle changes instead of medications and procedures. The results are remarkable and lasting.

Let us know if you’d like to get some guidance transitioning to a whole food plant based diet.

We offer a Nutrition & Lifestyle Education workbook as well as membership to access additional online resources to help you make healthy decisions that can change (and SAVE) your Life! Contact us today to learn more.

To your health!

Lisa & Peter Hanfileti

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