Points of Origin, PLLC is an Acupuncture and Holistic Health Care clinic owned and operated by Peter Hanfileti, MD and Lisa Hanfileti, LAc. It is conveniently located on the East side of Vancouver across from the Harmony soccer fields on NE 18th Street, near 192 Avenue.
You can contact Points of Origin by calling 360.449.4500 or by emailing us using the form below. For your convenience we have also provided a map so you can find us more easily.
Call us at 360.449.4500
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30am – 4:30pm
Peter & Lisa Closed their acupuncture clinic. Lisa Does Virtual Consultations and Educational Health Classes. You can reach her at 360-449-4500
NOTE: Our voicemail is private. You can leave a message at 360.449.4500 any time.
If you have questions or want to schedule a virtual consultation with Lisa Hanfileti call the office at 360.449.4500 or send an email using the form below. (Please don't send any confidential information using this form.)