
9 Tips For Self Care

We hope these 9 Tips For Your Self Care give you some ideas on how to stay healthy and sane during these unusual times. Click on the video below to watch us share these important tips! 

  1. Turn off the news. Turn off social media. Set aside some dedicated time, no more than 1-hour to get up to date, then OFF. Ask your friends to stop. Turn off notifications from groups. You can go in when you are ready, get the info and leave. 

  2. Journal Your Gratitude. If you lose track of the amazing things in our lives to be grateful for then this situation can swallow us up. Last thing before bed and first thing when you wake up, list 5 things you are grateful for in your life (whether they've happened yet or not). 

  3. Set a schedule. Go to sleep at a specific time. Wake at a specific time. 'Work' or be active accomplishing something from 9-5 (or whatever window of time works for you). A routine will help you feel more normal. *At the same time, be flexible. If the sun is out... go get your Vitamin D!

  4. Move. Get some exercise, preferably outdoors (even if it’s on your porch or in your backyard). Get fresh air. Move around. Turn on music... Dance! Join livestreams! 

  5. Drink water. Fresh, filtered water. Drink it.

  6. Eat healthy food. Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and junk food, changes brain chemistry, the microbiome and mood, and can lead to depression among other mental and physical health challenges. 

  7. Reach out. Get help with coping strategies. Counselors, acupuncturists and other health care providers can give you tools including meditations, exercises, breathing techniques, etc over the phone or via video chat to help you during this time.

  8. Laugh every day. Many times a day. There are great funny animal videos on youtube. Old I love Lucy episodes on Netflix. Your favorite comedians on audible. And lots of funny books.

  9. Visualize. Imagine your life after all this is over. Spend a little time everyday visualizing a time in the future (pick a time, like a year from now) looking back at how you were able to create new revenue streams, new relationships and now your life is better than ever. 

Be gentle on yourself and your fellow humans. Which sometimes means you just have to give yourself (and others) space to have occasional meltdowns. Like a child having a tantrum, lay on the floor, move your body and LET IT OUT! Then take some deep breaths, jump up and get going on your next adventure.

Sending our love your way!

Please share this page/video with anyone who needs to be uplifted. We are all in this together!